Experiências de busca da liberdade: alforria e comunidade africana em Rio Grande, séc.XIX
This work investigates the experiences of searching for freedom undertaken by freed and slaves in the county of Rio Grande, in the extreme south of the Brazilian Empire during the nineteenth century. Particular attention is given the manumissions this intent, showing up the main groups that reached manumissões, particularly women and Africans, with an emphasis on changes over eight hundred in the transition from captivity to freedom. The population manumitted is always compared to that registered on the lists of captives that inventories post-mortem. This way, it is possible to verify the capacity of women, but mainly from Africa, freeing up captivity with reference their proportions in the population slave. The women captive always received a larger number of manumissions that the men, however, during the War of Farrapos they reached the highest levels, taking the time to the economic crisis which hit on the province. The African receive greater attention. Unlike observed for other regions of Brazil, in RioUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos