This dissertation addresses the role that the Roman Catholic Church has played in rebuilding senses to northeastern migrants in order to establish a new nomos with the consequent re-creation of a plausibility structure, considering the project ecclesial evangelization facing the challenges of migration put in place in Asa Branca neighborhood, whose analyzes are made based on the theories enshrined in the religious field, with the exponent Peter Berger. In this approach, consider how was the historical process of migration in Brazil and, concurrent with this, which led to the migration of the State of Maranhão populations toward Roraima between 1980 and 1985. A recorded priori that such effort of the Catholic community in that neighborhood generated a social movement of accommodation and at the same time challenged by the migrant group front to the adversities such as unemployment, poor housing conditions, public transportation, lack of childcare and health centers standing out there the role of women. In chapter 1 we make an approach to the migration process in Brazil and Roraima, with an emphasis on shifting Maranhão state people to this region to, in Chapter 2, we present the strategies of the Catholic Church in welcoming the migrant in Wing neighborhood white. In chapter 3 we characterize this church action against the challenge of establishing a plausibility structure for the migrant, who takes the land as their new "homeland".