Rituals Catholics think the theme and its connection with violence in football flodplain Recife, from data collected with athletes from that region, situed in the Field do bueirão
(Torre), the cacique field (Zumbi) and field of the Stream of Gameleira (Stream Gameleira), is the target of this work. As a means to understand and analyze the extent to which the
athlete practicing Catholic Christian rituals before, during and after the game that uses your body for acts of violence that clashes that natural sport. The methodological approach of our
research is qualitative and descriptive, using the method and empirical data collected from structured interviews. In the interviews the athletes floodplain recognized that even
practicing Catholic Christian rituals, reasons outside the environment of the dispute led to act violently against their opponents. In sports football varzeana difficulties are present socio economic and ritual in the Catholic Christians who spend their lives as a demonstration of their faith in the sacred.