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dc.creatorMartins, Janaina da Mota
dc.description.abstractConsidered a serious social and public health problem, sexual violence against children is expressed in various ways including the domestic sexual abuse. The problem of this study is localized around the issues of sexual abuse perpetrated by father against children. Based on issues and concerns caused by the clinic listening to children and adolescents involved in situations of sexual violence and their families aimed to study, within the psychoanalytic perspective, the impact on family dynamics, the development of intra-family sexual abuse and the implications for the child. Participated in the survey the mother of a child who suffered sexual abuse by her biological father and revealed the fact to mother after almost two years, referred to research by the Interprofessional Reference Center on Attention to Children and Adolescents Victims of Violence of Capital / Court of Justice of Pernambuco [TJPE]. We adopted for the collection of data the semi-directed psychological interviews, within the clinical-qualitative approach, observing the ethical guidelines for research with human beings; for the analysis of the data we use the Content Analysis[AC], grouping the interview fragments themes to then understand them in their core sense. Our research has shown that disclosure of child sexual abuse is a slow and gradual process that requires an intense psychic work for the child and unfolds in his narrative. We found that the revelation of incestuous sexual abuse does not necessarily promote early relief and can be lived in a threatening and painful for the child / adolescent, associated with anxieties and fantasies, being able to be more difficult than the experience of abuse. Both the child and family members when deciding the complaint, are asked to talk about what happened in different instances, mostly disjointed, forcing members to share, countless times, how was the abuse by setting up a true via-crucis for children mainly. We also note that the data analyzed in the interview show that in relation to the family, the process of revelation leads to a destabilizing period requiring the emotional disposition group for the development and transformation. It can tell that our study corroborates findings from previous research, with regard to maternal reactions to the disclosure, evidencing the psychological suffering that mothers have to take notice of the fact, and must receive equal attention and care in the course of revelation, noting that occupy a significant place in this process. As regards the disclosure in the clinical context, we emphasize the importance of clinical work and Therapist figure mediating the child relationship with his experience of abuse, offering a safe environment for creating senses. Thus, we hope that this research has contributed in some way to broaden the discussion around the issue of child sexual abuse assistance in the field of clinical and academic circles.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectpsicologia clínicapor
dc.subjectcrime sexual contra a criança - aspectos psicológicospor
dc.subjectpsicanálise infantilpor
dc.subjectcrianças maltratadas sexualmente - aspectos psicológicospor
dc.subjectviolência familiarpor
dc.subjectclinical psychologyeng
dc.subjectsexual crime against children - psychological aspectseng
dc.subjectchild psychoanalysiseng
dc.subjectsexually abused children - psychological aspectseng
dc.subjectfamily violenceeng
dc.titleO abuso sexual infantil intrafamiliar: do segredo à elaboraçãopor

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