The present research deals with the experience of being ex wife as a relevant subjective phenomenon, expressed in the actual reality of human being, although, yet, careless by appropriate comprehensive studies about its meaning in the contemporaneous world. The existential phenomenological methodology by the way of the narrative was chosen to conduct a Clinical Psychology research, taking into account that such mode of research may present a fertile theoretical and analytical path to guide toward the comprehensive sense of the experience of being ex wife for the contemporaneous women. A sociopsychodramatical workshop was taken as the clinical interventive modality to facilitate the narrative as expression. The subjects/narrators were six women that, after lived an interrupted conjugal relationship, presented various situations and expressions of the experience of being ex wife. The methodology reveals itself capable of promoting the conditions of the elaboration of experience, possibilited by the expressed care of listening/saying toward the experience of being ex wife, such as the considerative articulation of the opening it as the proper being-in-the world of the human being. In this way, this psychological clinical research emphasizes its interventive and interpretative character. The comprehension of the spoken and dramatical forms of the obtained narrative pointed to a possible felt meaning for the experience of being ex wife: to embody her own project for existing as a care of being-herself-with-others