The Final of the XIX century, with the massif (salid) insercion of woman into the market of work, has given origin to a process of fusion and mutual occupation of the
domestic (private) space and of the public one. In this scenery, we can perceive meaninful changes in her economical, profissional and familiar trajectories. Using,
employing this cartography as a certain context, this work has consisted os analysing the multiple activities developed by woman (in her domestic and profissional fields of action) and the possible resonanges upon her healthiness. Seven women from the Metropolitan Region of Recife, having in their daily work routine, two or more day s labor. Their ages varied from 30 to 49 years old . Relating to profession, one of them was a taxical driver; two of them were teachers from state of pernambuco s official schools, locates in risking areas; two of them from women military police, and one from armed-weaponed safety. We had perfomed, accomplished semidirect interviews in the participants better convenience place. Later on, we have elected, chosen, as the inverviwed persons speeches organization, description and analysis proceeding, content
thematic analysis. We have identified meaning three units of senses, multiple activities overload; identification with profession and resonanges upon healthiness and
confronting strategies-fieds a great satisfaction presence and fruition in their tasks and in the commitments assumed by these women. However, notwith-standing, we have
found out some negative impacts. Price for high fulfillment and high changes, exigences on demands have reached their clímax, their highest point in suffering several ways and
emotional overload wchich we can emphasize: some depressive syntoms and anxiety syntoms presence, as well as high pressure, sleeplesness, height excess, stress and
headaches. The supporting nets search -the familiar and social ones - has taken shape has (configurated itself) as the most important factor of protection to healthiness risk
and maintenance in this studied group. These partnerships have assumed, have developed a fundamental locus - place in these women confronting strategies texture.
The interaction study among the multiples activities accomplished, developed by women and their resonance upon their healthiness has allowed, permitted providing
(informations and ressonances for clinical interventions development, as well as subsidies for public politics furnishing that aim at the women needs attendances and
protection in their several and varied functions exercise