It was accomplished in the Metropolitan Area of Recife in the municipal districts of Abreu e Lima, Araçoiaba, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Camaragibe, Igarassu, Ipojuca, Itamaracá, Itapissuma, Moreno, Olinda, Recife, Jaboatão dos Guararapes and São Lourenço da Mata the collection of materials that they serve as Clay-Shale, in lied explored already commercially, with the objective of evaluating the best characteristic of that Clay-Shale and the application in mortars in the building site, as well as his/her way use no more empiric. For that it was made right the rehearsals of physical characterization through the analysis granulométrica with sedimentation in agreement with ABNT-NBR 7181/1984, the consistence (liquidity limit according to ABNT-NBR 6459/1984 and plasticity limit according to ABNT-NBR 7180/1984). The determination of the specific mass of the grains of the soil in agreement with ABNT-NBR 6508/1984, contraction limit in agreement with ABNT-NBR 7183/1982. The obtained results indicate that significant influence exists in the amount of clay and in the contraction degree.