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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Documentos - UCU
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Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Documentos - UCU
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Documentos - UCU: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 2520
Representations of gender roles and stereotypes in Why Women Kill (Marc Cherry, 2019): transgression and evolution
Ojeda Muñoz, Noelia; Cabezas Morales, Marina Eva
The Role of School Supervisors in the Implementation of Academic Regulations Aimed at Supporting Secondary School Trajectories
Delgado, Patricia Malena; Acuña, Maia Milena; Ojeda, Mariana Cecilia
The Repeal of Ultraactivity in Collective Bargaining Agreements in Uruguay: A Return to the Incorporation Theory?
Rosenbaum Carli, Federico
Family conflict and parental engagement: perceptions of teenage children
Mosmann, Clarisse Pereira; da Costa, Cristofer Batista; Schaefer, Jeferson Rodrigo; Peloso, Franciele Cristiane
Student mobility and emerging adulthood: exploratory research about identity building in young university students
Quintano-Méndez, Felipe; Brandt, Javiera; Latorre, Paulina; Riquelme-Segura, Leonor; Zapata, Mabel
Perception of Mathematics Teachers in the Use of Gamification Technological Resources
Espinoza Melo, Carmen Cecilia; Otondo Briceño, Maite; Leighton Vallejos, Erich
Sleep Quality and Chronotype and its Relationship with Obesity in the Adult Population. Narrative Bibliographic Review
Serra Laborde, Paula Lucía; Torterolo Pizzuti, Caterina; Calvo Pesce, María Soledad
Review: Derechos humanos. Interpretación y aplicación (2022) by Martín Risso Ferrand
Pérez Manrique, Ricardo
Criteria related to newborns’ safe hospital discharge: An integrative review
Araujo, Cintia Maria Magalhães Oliveira de; Silva, Camila Tahis dos Santos; Macedo, Flávia Lavínia de Carvalho; Silva, Josielson Costa da; Palombo, Cláudia Nery Teixeira; Martins, Ridalva Dias Felix
Emotional Dysregulation Scale Child and Adolescent (EDEIJ): validity evidence
Baptista, Makilim Nunes; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto; Bruno Bonfá-Araujo
Promotion of empathy, self-concept and basic values: an intervention in a female prison
Pereira, Elias Fernandes Mascarenhas; Sampaio, Leonardo Rodrigues; Anacleto, Francis Natally de Almeida
Spanish showrunners in the Netflix era: Indicators of tasks for their identification
Fuentes Rueda, Pedro; Del Castillo Aira, Itxaso
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for women who experienced intimate partner violence: Multiple case studies
Habigzang, Luisa Fernanda; Gomes Ferreira Petersen, Mariana; Zamagna Maciel, Luisa
Is the locus of control a predictor and/or mediator of emotional dysregulation and psychopathological symptoms?
Couto, Leila Maria Ferreira; Baptista, Makilim Nunes
Time management in the routine of university students: results of an intervention
Soares, Adriana Benevides; Alves, Paulo Roberto Soares da Silva; Jardim, Maria Eduarda de Melo; Medeiros, Cesar Augusto Cobellas de; Ribeiro, Rejane
Passive Bribery as a Breach of Public Official's Loyalty
Rusca, Bruno
Perception and satisfaction of Nursing students with virtual education in times of the COVID-19
Canova-Barrios, Carlos Jesús; Méndez, Patricia Graciela; Sosa, Liliana Rosa; Flores, Marcela Anahí; Rodríguez, Mónica Andrea; Hernández, Silvina Soledad
Systematic Review on Research Competencies in Higher Education Students
Sandoval-Henríquez, Francisco Javier; Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola
Intensive Care Unit Resource Management in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Reis Macedo, Luis Fernando; Lisboa, Kenya Waléria de Siqueira Coelho; Pinto, Sarah de Lima; de Beltrão, Izabel Cristina Santiago Lemos
Sleep quality and daytime sleepiness among college students: testing an explanatory model
Sousa, Erlândio Andrade de; Freires, Leogildo Alves; Loureto, Gleidson Diego Lopes; Costa, Júlio Cezar Albuquerque da
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