Aprimorando aplicação de práticas sustentáveis nas usinas produtoras de etanol de milho
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Notarjacomo, Marcia Helena Borges
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The demand for clean energy and sustainability has increased around the world, mainly as a way to combat the effects of global warming. In the Paris agreement in 2015, Brazil committed to reducing carbon emissions and including more biofuels in the country's energy matrix. In this context, corn ethanol has been attracting investments, especially in the Central-West region of Brazil, thus giving rise to a greater number of corn plants and their by-products, resulting from the extraction of corn ethanol. The objective of this thesis is to propose recommendations to improve applications of sustainable practices for corn ethanol plants. The method is a multiple case study with 8 units of analysis. The research presents, as its main contribution, a set of guidelines for environmental practice actions and a framework with a proposal to guide corn ethanol producing plants in Brazil, discussing elements, strategies and practices that guide the plants' daily lives, in a integrated with the environmental, economic and social areas, it is a multiple case study. The results confirm that large plants use sustainable practices in their processes, practice a circular economy, creating new by-products and becoming more eco-efficient. They also confirm that they invest in technology such as Machine Learning and industry 4.0 and have partnerships with enzyme suppliers, develop projects and create new products to remain competitive in the market and sustainable, in addition to the fact that large plants have greater purchasing power to invest in certifications, They have qualified teams and invest in the acquisition of wagons and locomotives with the intention of reducing CO2 emissions in the distribution of their products to the consumer. The study brought academic contributions in order to overcome the lack of empirical information on how the environmental practices adopted by the plants are happening, highlighting positive results in the pillars of sustainability. As a managerial contribution, a set of action guidelines and the proposed framework can help managers improve environmental practices, as well as meet the objectives for sustainable development proposed in the 2030 Agenda in the United Nations. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research were also identified.Nenhuma