Reconhecimento de ativos fiscais diferidos decorrentes de prejuízos fiscais: um estudo sobre o gerenciamento de resultados e observância às normas
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Souza Neto, Moisés Ozório de
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This research addresses the relationship of companies with deferred tax assets arising from tax losses with earnings management and compliance with regulations. The general objective is to analyze the relationship between the recognition of AFD arising from tax losses and earnings management. Data were obtained through Economática® and on the website of Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão (B3). The period of analysis comprised 2010 to 2022, which comprises the beginning of the effectiveness of CPC 32, which deals with the recognition of deferred tax assets, until the last fiscal year concluded until the present study. To analyze earnings management strategies, the Kothari (2005) and Roychowdhury (2006) model was used, being treated as accounting choices and actual activities, respectively. The companies were divided into groups according to whether they showed losses or not, in the group with losses compliance with the rules was observed, generating Dummy variables, making it feasible to use logistic regression and descriptive statistics. The sample makes up the number of 73 companies, with 700 observations for each regression. The main results indicate that companies with losses tend to use earnings management more and in a positive way, in order to increase profit or reduce losses. Regarding the GR models used, both the accounting choices model, represented in this study by the Kothari (2005) model, and the real activities model, proposed by Roychowdhury (2006), were used, with the former having a slightly higher level of form. positive, which prevailed in most tests, with the exception of when it came to period expenses, one of the actual activities; another finding on this subject was the lack of relationship between earnings management and compliance with standards. , companies with losses, in addition to higher GR indices, are in opposite directions from companies that do not have losses: while one manages trying to increase profit, the other seeks a decrease, perhaps to pay less taxes on profit. At the end of the analysis of the results found and evidenced in this study, this research has hypotheses accepted and others rejected, since the findings did not always show favorable indications to the theoretical hypotheses. Based on this, this thesis with its findings responds to the research problem and proposed objectives.Nenhuma