Práticas da universidade empreendedora para a geração de patentes colaborativas
This research began with the identification of a gap in literature regarding the combination of successful practices for entrepreneurial universities measured, in this case, by the generation of collaborative patents. The research on the practices themselves follows being heavily developed. It was noticed, however, a lack of studies in which these practices could be combined for the success to be reached. The intention is not to have the formula for success made up, but to present possibilities for those engaged so as to support such transformation of a teaching and research university to an entrepreneurial one, to enable and encourage students of all classes to acquire a mind-set oriented to growth and risk-taking in order to become future leaders. The present dissertation focuses on the entrepreneurial universities, aiming to comprehend which combinations of entrepreneurial practices generate the increasing of collaborative patents registries in partnerships with corporations. For this investigation, it was used the patent data from the Derwent Innovation Index database for the selection of universities based on collaborative patents related to semiconductors. Information regarding the university entrepreneurial practices was collected based on a specific form and the data treatment was carried by the MDSO/MSDO technique with the purpose of reducing entrepreneurial practices, selecting the conditions caused with the greatest explanatory power. The Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) approach was applied, being supported by the fsQCA software, the combination of the successfully implemented entrepreneurial practices by the universities were identified (with the greatest number of collaborative patents in partnership with the deposited corporations) by our research. As a result, a solution with four combinations was found, with the maximum consistency and 90% coverage, thus producing a positive result for the increase of the collaborative patents registries. Particularly, the “Innovation and Growth Project” combination presented a major raw coverage (50%) and unique (30%), encompassing practices of portal creation, Promotion to internationalization, Fund raising, Conference and events, Training and recruiting, not excluding other combinations of obtaining the university’s success in generating collaborative patents. The presence of the “Promotion to Internationalization” practice in all of the combinations highlight that in any adopted strategy by the university to create collaborative patents, such practice must be adopted and receive mandatory attention. The “Local, regional and global integration” dimension is highlighted, to defend that Science is becoming more globalized according to the expansion of the collaborative research networks, which reinforce the necessity of an excellency pursue and research impact of emerging countries, aligned with permanent internationalization, as well as professional formation of continued quality. Finally, the research progresses on Entrepreneurial Universities, presenting combinations of practices to create collaborative patents and also contributing for a positive impact on knowledge advancement. To conclude with, the studies indicate four combinations to be deeper analyzed for the implementation of an entrepreneurial university.Nenhuma