As construções curriculares em redes municipais de ensino: um estudo sobre diretrizes políticas e escolhas de gestão em municípios da região serrana do Rio Grande do Sul
The curriculum is approached in this study within the context of three cities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, belonging to the Regional Council of Development of Campos de Cima da Serra. Thus, the research problem asks: how do the processes of curriculum construction and implementation occur in the final years of elementary education in municipal networks, regarding national guidelines and their local appropriations, considering the perspectives of educational management in three cities in Rio Grande do Sul? It is possible to confirm that the curriculum is an instrument of great importance in the construction of identity and the provision of quality education, which fulfilled the general objective established here, which was to study the curricular construction processes in the cities of Vacaria, Bom Jesus, and Esmeralda, considering the positioning and actions of educational system management regarding the final years of elementary education, analyzing the political and pedagogical implications involved in this construction. Throughout this study, topics related to educational processes, teaching practices, democratic management, and school administration are addressed, as well as legal issues present in these topics. National guidelines are also analyzed, especially the Law of Guidelines and Bases for Education and the National Common Curricular Base, whose alignments are perceived in the guiding documents of the three educational networks. Furthermore, within this case study, documents are analyzed and semi-structured interviews are conducted with those responsible for the pedagogical sectors, allowing for the identification of convergence between the activities carried out within the mentioned cities. A commitment to meeting the guidelines in question is also evidenced, considering the complexity of the processes involving the curriculum and the level of responsibility that educational management carries. Finally, an intervention plan is proposed with the aim of systematically restructuring the curriculum process with greater teacher involvement. In conclusion, it is found that there are still possibilities to further deepen the studies conducted here, aiming for an even closer approximation of teachers' perspectives on curriculum implementation and local appropriations made in classroom pedagogical practice.Nenhuma