Programa de aromaterapia para profissionais de enfermagem que atuam no cuidado de pacientes críticos : massagem com óleo essencial de Lavandula angustifolia como estratégia no enfrentamento do estresse ocupacional
Introduction: the occupational stress is a condition present in the health area, highlighting the context that involves the nursing professionals. As a strategy to confront this grievance, the use of integrative and complementary health practices, focused on the attention of workers' health, can contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of nursing professionals in situations of occupational stress. Objectives: to develop an aromatherapy program, through massage with cream containing essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia, applied to nursing professionals who work in a hospital intensive care unit (ICU). Method: methodological study developed in three stages: 1) educational action with an awareness workshop followed by research on the subject through an online form; 2) massage session with Lavandula angustifolia essential oil cream at a concentration of 1% and interview about the experience during the massage session; 3) development of an aromatherapy program for nursing professionals working in the care of critically ill patients. Results: 33 nursing professionals from the ICU under study participated in the sensitization workshop. At the end of the activity, 29 agreed to participate in the research by answering an online form about the theme (Stage 1). The analysis of the form indicated that they experience situations of occupational stress, which justifies the importance of an aromatherapy program aiming at coping with occupational stress. Stage 2 consisted of a massage session with Lavandula angustifolia essential oil cream, in which 28 nursing professionals participated. They also answered an interview about the experience of the massage session, which was scheduled for after their return to work in the ICU. The analysis generated three categories: 1) massage with lavender essential oil cream as a strategy to cope with occupational stress; 2) need for help to cope with occupational stress; 3) suggestions for the development of an aromatherapy program with lavender essential oil for nursing professionals. In Stage 3, the Program named UTI Aroma was elaborated, considering the needs and suggestions of the participants of stages 1 and 2. The Program will be implemented in the ICU under study with the creation of the Aromatherapy Group, which will be constituted by trained ICU nursing professionals, who will apply the massage with cream to other colleagues of the nursing team, during the work shift. Conclusion: the creation of the Programa UTI Aroma for nursing professionals working in the care of critically ill patients in an ICU was based on the needs mentioned by the research participants, which may strengthen the team's adherence. It shows to be a powerful tool for coping with occupational stress, being of low financial cost, contributing to promote mental health and to combat occupational stress. The Program may be replicated in other workplaces nationwide, with real impact on the quality of care provided to critically ill patients. The registration of the trademark "Programa UTI Aroma" is in process with the Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI) and after its evaluation and validation, the researcher will disclose it to other health institutions, aiming to build partnerships to strengthen integrative and complementary health practices. Product generated from the TCC: creation of the "Programa UTI Aroma" for nursing professionals who work with critical patient care in an ICU. Classified in the Nursing Area as "Process/technology and product/material not patentable".Nenhuma