Educação bilíngue de inglês/português no estado de Mato Grosso: perspectivas no cenário atual
In the multilingual context of contemporary society, bilingual education has come to occupy a prominent place in applied linguistic studies and in the regulations aimed at offering quality education to students. Given this perspective, understanding how the changes have occurred, considering this pluriversity, led to the main objective of this research, which is to analyze the perspectives of English/Portuguese bilingual education in the state of Mato Grosso in the current scenario. This goal aims to answer the following questions: what are the perspectives of English/Portuguese bilingual education in the state of Mato Grosso today? How do these perspectives appear in official documents and websites, as well as in the reports of teachers and managers? To this end, we carried out a qualitative study, using a literature review, document analysis of state and national official documents, and the application of questionnaires to teachers and managers of public and private schools in the cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande, Mato Grosso. From this process, five perspectives of analysis were defined: conceptual, linguistic and historical-social, normative, theoretical and global to understand how the process of bilingual education is in the state. And to understand the main concepts addressed, we sought support from theorists such as Baker (2001), Pennycook (2007), Megale (2018; 2019), Cummins (2019), among others, who helped in the analysis of the main conceptions about bilingual education, multilingualism, plurilingualism, interculturality, global citizenship, and internationalization. Therefore, the results pointed out that, regarding the existence of specific regulations for the promotion of bilingual education in the state of Mato Grosso, despite the current regulations, the official control institutions, the monitoring and dissemination of information are in disharmony, since the reality found points to the invisibility of the state, due to the fact that it does not appear on the map of places with significant numbers of public and private bilingual schools. As for the conceptions and perceptions of the managers and teachers of these institutions, it was possible to verify that they need more access to the information network and to the updating on the educational scenario, in the sense of getting more knowledge about this teaching modality and the rules that already exist for its implementation and regularization. This is because, based on the statements of these subjects, it was possible to verify the lack of knowledge about how to effectively insert the bilingual practice in the educational context in which they work. Thus, it was concluded that the theme was extremely relevant, indicating that, for the effective bilingual education in the schools of the state of Mato Grosso, it is necessary to define educational policies for the modality, subsidizing and inserting the state effectively (in practice and in the official records) in the context of English/Portuguese bilingual education. .Nenhuma