A constituição do sujeito na associação de proteção e assistência aos condenados de Ivaiporã/PR
The present thesis is dedicated to the study of a custodial sentence execution method called APAC Method, motivated by the method creators’ affirmation that it is a viable alternative to the common penitentiary system, seeking to analyze the type of subject constituted by it. Having as a theoretical framework Michel Foucault’s investigation about the modes of subjectivation, it is hypothesized that the APAC Method represents another disciplinary device that acts on the inmate, constituting him as a docile and useful individual, that is, it is a method that reproduces the normalization mechanisms that characterize the prison since it was adopted as the main form of response to crime. Through the analysis of Mário Ottoboni's publications, based on documentary exploration and semi-structured interviews with subjects involved in the application of the Method and with inmates, it was observed that, in APAC, important practices are implemented to safeguard the rights of prisoners, relevant instruments to enable social reintegration of those people, but also that the Method is based on disciplinary discourses, allowing its characterization, predominantly, as a disciplinary institution, in which a homogenizing model of existence is imposed on the individual, as well as rules of conduct according to determined standards, constituting, therefore, submissive and docile individuals.Nenhuma