“O Brasil tá vendo”: os enquadramentos sobre a cultura do cancelamento nas relações performáticas entre o Big Brother Brasil 21 e as audiências do Twitter
This work explores how approaches to the Cancel Culture are presented from the Reality Show Big Brother Brasil 21 in its relationship with audiences on Twitter. Its general objective is to understand the main frameworks and performances that reverberate in this edition of the program and end up being moved by the consequences arising from the cancellation. The theoretical approach of this research uses the Frame Theory and the concept of performance and its ruptures in digital culture, taking into consideration a systematization of the cancel culture from the BBB 21 perspective that allows us to analyze the different frameworks on the subject. The methodology was qualitative and had as its main keys the combination between frame analysis in relation to audiovisual and the Frame theory that generated different methodological frameworks. As final results, we observed that the frameworks and performances are aligned with the concepts of self-reflection and allo-reflection in the different stages of cancellation. The notion of authenticity and performance ruptures end up having an impact “inside and outside the house”, as observed in the analysis of the audience’s Tweets, generating feelings and experiences for the participants, account managers, and the general public.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior