The objective of this work is to develop a reflection on the thinking of the philosopher Byung-Chul Han, on contemporaneity and more precisely, on the society characterized as The society of tiredness and its excesses today. For this, the evolutions of this society and its consequent complications due to incessant exhaustion are presented. We seek to highlight the configuration of this society and its application in a scenario of scarce time, through permanent work and its consequences, including psychic ones. We approach, however, the restorative perspectives of this tired society, through the presentation of an author's perspective, centered on contemplation as a mold for the rehabilitation of time and its meditative components. With the certainty that the route covered in this work is nothing more than an analytical exploration of a critique of society, with the aim of raising ethical-moral questions about human action in contemporary times, in a philosophical approach, presenting possible indications ofa path aiming at social balance. Considering possibilities of overcoming tiredness, through the existential limit situations of human beings in a world in need of transformations.