This work produced an e-book about the former Casa de Detenção do Recife (CDR), highlighting the photographs of the building produced, mainly, in the first three decades of the 20th century. Images produced by several photographers were selected, among which we highlight Louis Piereck, Luiz Schalappriz, J. B. Elderock, M. Lambert, among others. This prison operated between 1855 and 1973, with architecture based on the panoptic and neoclassical architectural model. Thus, the building stood out in the urban landscape of Recife, to the point of, in countless times, becoming a postcard of the “American Venice”. The photographs and other imagery representations of CDR were produced using different techniques, under different angles, and in different formats and clippings (in addition to photographs, engravings, watercolors, oil canvases, woodcuts, etc.). Through the images, it is possible to observe the urban changes that occurred, over time, in the surroundings of the prison, identified in bridges, squares, streets, buildings and landfills on the banks of the Capibaribe River. The relationship between History and Images is important for the study of the past, being fundamental the contributions of Peter Burke, Ana M. Mauad, Ulpiano de Menezes and Boris Kossoy as theoretical support, in addition to Roger Chartier, for the study of these representations. The methodology used consisted of consulting information and collecting visual sources archived at FUNDAJ, APEJE, Museu da Cidade do Recife, Braziliana Fotográfica and Periodicals from Hemeroteca Digital.