Due to the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church recovered the most truthful thing that it can talk about itself, which is the God‟s People notion. Thanks to this recovered vision and its consequences in ecclesiology, in many places, experiences of communion and participation has been created, seeking, this way, and in a concrete mode, to live the reality of valuing all the baptized people in the Christian Community. Latin America is a continent where this truth about the Church has been dynamically and creatively received; and, thus, a new way of being community has emerged. Being heir to this ecclesial tradition brought by the Vatican II and also the latin-american Church fecund experience, the Pope Francisco, lately, has placed at the pastoral Church‟s center the theme Synodality, which is constituted as a God‟s request to the Catholic Chistian Community in this millennium. Consequentely, it is necessary to talk about Synodality not as an event, but as a process always in the place of novelty, and it demands from everyone a conversion in the way of thinking, acting, and living the relationships inside and outside the Catholic Church.