The Administrative Precedent.
El precedente administrativo.
Abstract. At first, the administrative precedent was not taken into consideration whenstudying the sources of administrative law. Later, the issue was considered again and thestatus of the precedent as a formal source of law was rejected. Afterwards, notwithstandingthe prevailing negative position, it was accepted that failure to respect a precedent might be legally relevant. In the current state of law, I believe that the administrative precedent is truly a formal source of administrative law.Resumen. En un comienzo ni se consideraba el precedente administrativo al estudiarse las fuentes del derecho administrativo. Luego la interrogante se planteó y se rechazó la posibilidad de que el precedente fuese una fuente formal de derecho. Más adelante, sin perjuicio de predominar la postura negativa, se admitió que la inobservancia de un precedente pueda tener relevancia jurídica. En el estado actual del derecho opino que el precedente administrativo es verdaderamente fuente formal de derecho administrativo