Moral Awareness, Logical Thinking and Continuity in the Effort: Three Lessons by Professor Quintín Alfonsín in his “Second Life”
Conciencia moral, pensamiento lógico y continuidad en el esfuerzo: Tres lecciones del profesor Quintín Alfonsín en su “segunda vida”
In July 1961, Professor Quintín Alfonsín, the main historical reference in the studies of Private International Law in Uruguay, and one of the most important national jurists of the 20th century, died as a consequence of aeronautical tragedy in Buenos Aires. His greatness to face his destiny —being able to save himself he chose to fight to the limit of his strength trying to help his wife— enhances a personality in which the conscience of moral duty, the search for excellence and his will power were commendable values of principle. This paper does not intend to summarize his work or insist on the topic of his early loss, which has already been done at great extent, but rather to highlight some personal qualities of Alfonsín and his prevailing legal and human lessons.En julio de 1961 el profesor Quintín Alfonsín, principal referente histórico de los estudios de Derecho Internacional Privado en Uruguay y uno de los más importantes juristas nacionales del siglo XX, murió luego de un desastre aeronáutico ocurrido en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Su grandeza ante el trágico destino —pudiendo salvarse luchó hasta el límite de sus fuerzas intentando salvar a su esposa— realzan una personalidad en la que la conciencia del deber moral, la búsqueda de la excelencia y la fuerza de voluntad fueron valores de principio. Este trabajo no se propone resumir su obra ni insistir en el tópico de su temprana pérdida, lo que con sobrada justicia ya se ha hecho, sino destacar algunas de sus cualidades personales y resaltar su vigente magisterio jurídico y humano.