In contemporary times there are no linear structures in the reading exercise. Today everything is distorted and augmented by the various direc- tions that texts and hypertexts propose to the reader. However, a semiotic study of the contemporary act of reading is not an analysis of the structure or the referent but a semiotics of dispersion. The current reader is a hyper– citizen and therefore a hyper–reader. He is connected to multiple textual universes and a type of hybrid reality where bytes are integrated into atoms. This figure appears in the context of hyperlinks, augmented reality scenar- ios, hybridization with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and navigation practices dominating the symbolic speeches and the emerging aesthetics of the 21st century. This paper explores, through this disruptive figure, two different aspects: at first the idea that no image of reality is a truth but a network of possible arguments, secondly that the cyber–cosmos of the 21st century is, at the same time, the sum of all the destinies and all the origins that can have an argument about reality.