The present study aimed to determine the optimum response time (RT) needed to identify images of everyday objects when filtered using different spatial frequency bands. Subjects were randomly presented with different images of familiar objects that were both serialized and progressive in their spatial frequencies. The time needed to recognize them was then measured. The results showed that the optimum RT for identifying an image filtered in different spatial frequency bands was approximately 2000 ms of exposure. Specifically, stimuli presented using spatial frequency bands with Gaussian filters of variance V26-V32, which were familiar and of medium size to the viewer, were recognized in a mean time of 2126 ms.
Exceto quando indicado o contrário, a licença deste item é descrito como Derechos de autor 2017 María del Prado Rivero Expósito, Enrique Vila Abad, Francisco Pablo Holgado Tello, Javier Aparicio, Georgio de Marchis