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dc.contributor.advisorSilva, Sílvio Bitencourt da
dc.contributor.authorAlegretti, Tiago Camargo
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the study was the analysis of the potential benefits obtained with the implementation of a Business Intelligence system, which consists of a platform capable of providing data and statistics in real time on the level of SLA attendance, prioritizing activities and achieving goals, among others, in legal departments focused on internal care and prevention, with the purpose of using, with maximum efficiency, the available human and technological resources. The choice for the theme resulted from the verification of the constant changes in the market, which occurred mainly due to the need to develop new skills and to combine the use of technology in the traditional activities of corporations, requiring professionals to adapt quickly to new scenarios, withdraw from their comfort zone and look for new skills. The same phenomenon had been observed in corporate law. This need for innovation, which requires corporate lawyers to apply these skills in the management of departments, combined with the need to seek maximum efficiency in the use of available resources, whether technological, human or financial, increases the importance of management in the legal departments, as well as the requirement in relation to your results. Considering these premises, the present bibliographic research aimed to analyze the benefits resulting from the implementation of a Business Intelligence (BI) system in legal departments in order to provide a performance gain in the activities developed in these sectors, to improve the use of available resources, especially the humans, and enable the manager to have an overview of all matters, measure the service and attack the critical points detected, as well as giving reasons for the best decision making of the legal manager, adding greater prominence to the department in the company. In this regard, it was possible to indicate practical ways of using this tool in certain cases, demonstrating that legal manager supplied with adequate information can make better decisions based on reasons, data and facts. For this purpose, the research also indicated the need for adjustments in the legal department and customization in the BI system, in order to meet the requirements necessary for the correct functioning, as well as for this system to correctly meet the needs of the legal manager.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectBusiness intelligenceen
dc.titleA utilização de um sistema de Business Intelligence para auxiliar a tomada de decisão da gestão jurídicapt_BR

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