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dc.contributor.advisorScaletsky, Celso Carnos
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Diego Alegre Alves dos
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate the contributions perceived by the construction of scenarios guided by strategic design as an element capable of re-signifying the search for innovation in traditional organizations. Traditional organizations are defined here as: collectives with strong cultural traits which, over time, have established a distinctive way of thinking and acting, developing environments which are a non-innovative and open to transformations - whether related to the creation of new products, services, processes or experiences. A theoretical dialogue between the approaches of design authors is proposed, in order to generate paths that enable organizations to project alternative innovative scenarios which are capable of guiding them in decision making processes that are more conscious and aligned to more current and prevailing challenges. The method used can be characterized as applied research, of an exploratory and qualitative nature, which aims to provide greater understanding of the problem in order to make it explicit. The main results achieved during this study are related to the identification - as of the crossing of theory with practice - of the four dimensions that emerge from estimating projections, uncertainty, dialogue, reflection and creativity, as well as their relationships and applications within the context of a traditional organization. This approach promoted the understanding of how the organization determines themes such as design, innovation and future, besides sensitizing, even if in an initial way, the members of this culture by promoting a stimulating environment of exchange and creativity among the research participants when designing alternative futures. The construction of scenarios is understood here as an approach with the potential to promote innovation in traditional organizations, by generating a meeting between the current culture and the design culture. From this study, it was also realized that the practice with members of the organization can generate a series of reflections on the current patterns and paradigms, unlocking insights and new perspectives related to innovation. In addition, some signs of change were noticed in the research participants, in other words, they found a new way of thinking and pursuing innovation. Finally, it can be seen that the construction of scenarios presents itself as an alternative capable of promoting exchanges and dialogues.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectStrategic designen
dc.titleA construção de cenários de design como elemento capaz de ressignificar a busca por inovação em organizações tradicionaispt_BR

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