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dc.contributor.advisorLópez, Laura Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorPedroso, Clarissa Niederauer Leote da Silva
dc.description.abstractThe medicalization processes of people's life and the institutionalization of childbirth care turn this event as a purely biological occurrence, ignoring its complexity, individuality and socio-cultural integration. This process was accompanied by the loss of autonomy of women and by the transfer of some decisions to health professionals, concerning procedures related to female body and childbirth. In Brazil, this model has led to the need to create strategies to modify and improve the health care of women and children, as the Program for Humanization of Antenatal Care and Childbirth. In this context, becomes worthwhile the problematic of issues that permeate the paradigmatic transition of care models to childbirth. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the experiences of women in relation to childbirth and birth assistance in a public hospital at Porto Alegre, RS. In addition, it tries to capture if institutional changes related to the humanization of childbirth are reflecting in those experiences. In this sense, it was conducted a qualitative study of ethnographic approach. For data collection participant observation techniques and semi-structured interviews was used. The fieldwork has occurred between November 2014 and January 2015. The study included 25 puerperal women, aged 17 to 38 years who have received assistance in that maternity. The reports of the participants and field notes were examined by means of discourse analysis. The results showed that there is an institutional movement in attempt to deploy the childbirth humanization politics, which was recognized by most participants and contributed to a good perception of the care received. However, it was also observed an abundance of technocratic practices of childbirth care, where persists the routine use of obstetric interventions. Thus, the practices considered humanized are happening in very fragmented way, as if it were just another routine protocol that needs to be fulfilled. Thus, we realize that is still required a profound transformation concerning assistance procedures and the relationship between health professionals and pregnant women/parturients, (re) creating an inter-subjectivity that favors the role and well-being of women in childbirth/birth process beyond compliance with regulations, protocols and institutional goals.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectParto humanizadopt_BR
dc.subjectHumanizing deliveryen
dc.titleHumanização do parto e do nascimento no contexto do SUS a partir das experiências das usuárias em uma maternidade de Porto Alegre, RSpt_BR

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