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dc.contributor.advisorLimberger, Têmis
dc.contributor.authorSantanna, Gustavo da Silva
dc.description.abstractThe technological advances that have started in the middle of the last century were responsible for modifying all social behavior, to the point that contemporary society gains a new adjective: of Information. However, the Brazilian Public Administration does not seem to have been able to keep up with all this development (digital), still having in its essence very deviations of its own patrimonial management (analogic). Given this scenario, as a research problem, it will be sought to find, in the Electronic Public Administration, a condition of possibility to overcome the patrimonialism deep-rooted in the brazilian public management and as an attempt to bring the citizen closer to the State/Administration. Therefore, the objective is, at first, to present the current social scene, in which the human being is inserted amidst new information and communication technologies, which has been called the Information Society. Subsequently, it will seek to present the reality of the State in face of these new technologies, as well as the evolution of the Brazilian Public Administration from its patrimonialist beginnings to the current (supposed) managerial stage. It also investigates the role of the State in the face of the Human and Fundamental Rights, with a focus on Internet access and its neutrality. As a result, knowledge on the brazilian telecommunications system also is a necessary study. Finally, a new model of public management will be presented, e-Administration, as a way of bringing the State/Administration closer to the new social profile. Thereby, the attempt is to demonstrate that the distance between the Administration and the citizen is, increasingly, limiting or hindering the exercise of rights, such as public management control, privacy, efficiency and transparency, and can be overcome with a new matrix. It will be pointed out that new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain and Internet of Things only become truly effective when the whole Administration is adapted to the digital environment. Using the dialectical methodology, this research is based on comparative law, especially spanish, with bibliographical and legislative research, both national and foreign.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAcesso à internetpt_BR
dc.subjectInternet accessen
dc.subjectAcceso a la Internetes
dc.titleDo Patrimonialismo à sociedade da informação: proposições para a implantação da administração pública eletrônica (e-administração) no Brasilpt_BR

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