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dc.contributor.advisorMicheletti, Vania Celina Dezoti
dc.contributor.authorZavaglia, Gabriela Oliveira
dc.description.abstractThe present study aimed to develop a guide to practical health guidelines on first aid for primary school workers in a public school in the city of Dilermando de Aguiar, Rio Grande do Sul, as well as to describe the actions of primary education workers in public schools, according to their self-report, in situations involving first aid, to identify the demands and needs of workers related to situations involving first aid and develop educational actions related to first aid with elementary school workers in public schools. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, developed through a partially structured interview with workers at a public elementary school in the city of Dilermando de Aguiar, Rio Grande do Sul. Results and discussion: twenty-two primary education workers participated in this study, of which six were male and 16 female, with ages varying between 27 and 70 years, with a level of education alternating between incomplete elementary and postgraduate education, and work time at the research site ranging from one to 40 years. Two categories were eligible: knowledge of workers in first-aid situations, with the subcategories: first aid technical knowledge and common-sense knowledge about first aid and second category: demands and needs regarding first aid with subcategories: situations that involved first aid; action on reported events involving first aid and first aid training request. Participants reported their unfamiliarity about first aid and attributed this to the lack of training offer and clarification on the subject in their workplace. Therefore, educational actions referring first aid were developed in an illustrated practical guidelines guide for school workers which will be an important resource to be accessed quickly, whenever there are doubts, both in the school and in the social environment. Conclusion: the results of the study indicate that the subject "First Aid" is little known to primary school workers because it is not presented and developed during their training and is not approached as a matter of extreme importance in the workplace. The importance of the nursing professional as a disseminator of knowledge and of being able to create connections between the education and health services is registered.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectPrimeiros socorrospt_BR
dc.subjectFirst aiden
dc.titlePrimeiros socorros em escolas de ensino fundamental: guia de orientações práticas ilustrado para trabalhadores de uma escola municipal de ensino fundamentalpt_BR

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