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dc.contributor.advisorForster, Mari Margarete dos Santos
dc.contributor.authorFonseca, Denise Grosso da
dc.description.abstractThe present study analyses the movement originated by the new institutional evaluation policy implemented by SINAES - Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (College Evaluation National System) in Brasil, through ENADE - Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (Students’ National Performance Evaluation), as part of the system, trying to understand its influences on the dinamics of the evaluation processes in the course of Physical Education at IPA (Instituto Porto Alegre da Igreja Metodista/RS/Brasil). It has been proposed, as thesis, that the public educational policies affect the configuration of the institutional policies and its actions. Therefore, it analyses the internal evaluative processes carried out by professors and experienced by the students and the implications of ENADE in these processes. It traces historical aspects of the college educational system in Brazil as well as its educational and evaluative policies, analysing college reforms and the social-political context in which they have taken place, corelatting them to the Methodist Education in the country. Furthermore, it discusses the theoretic principals that are the basis of the institutional evaluation and the evaluation of the learning process within two models: one identified with the principals of the positivist science and the other with the principals of the complex thought.The investigative process relied on a qualitative methodology comprised of documents analysis, semi-structured interviews with 3 professors and a group interview with 14 students of the Physical Education Course, IPA. The theory, the analysis and the interpretation of data were based on Afonso (2000), Capra (1982)Cunha ( 2002, 2005, 2007) Demo (2004, 2004 ) Hoffmann ( 1991, 1993, 1998 e 2001) Kuenzer (2002) Leite (1997, 1999, 2001, 2002),Perrenoud (1999, 1999) Dias Sobrinho( 2005) Luckesi ( 1998),Morin ( 2001, 2002) Ristoff ( 2006) Santos ( 1999, 2002), among others.The data shows that there has been a significant change in the classes dynamics as well as in the choices of tools and strtegies of evaluation.There are indications that the evaluation has evolved from a traditional model to one more formative and mediator, although it is not clear whether these movements have originated with ENADE or have been evolving from other individual or institutional initiatives. Some questions arise in relation to the ranking of the results, to the idea of aggergate value and the non explicitness of a study that has focused on competencies, suggesting the need of a broader discussion in the realm of SINAES - ENADE as well as in the institutional area.en
dc.description.sponsorshipIPA - Centro Universitário MetodistaPT_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectCollege educationen
dc.subjectEnsino superiorpt_BR
dc.titleImplicações do Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes (ENADE) no curso de Educação Física do IPApt_BR

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