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dc.contributor.advisorKampff, Adriana Justin Cerveira
dc.contributor.authorLeal, Sílvia Regina Abreu
dc.description.abstractThe case study discusses the levels of appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by teachers of Rede Verzeri (RV) colleges, based on the Competency Standard document on ICT for Teachers (UNESCO, 2009). For this we consider the knowledge and the use in teaching practices, resources available in the Educational Portal adopted by RV. The research presents two approaches, online: a quantitative, appears within the case study and presents relevant aspects that contribute to the collection and analysis of data as recognition of different perspectives, opportunity for reflection and the variety of approaches to project Competence in ICT for teachers. Qualitative research is privileged only approach Creation of Knowledge exploring the ICT component, as expected by the teachers selected skills. The empirical field was the four colleges of Basic Education of the RV, the private network, located within the RS. The interlocutors of the research are the teachers who are crowded in the five colleges and the answer online questionnaires posted on academic platform called Education Portal. As part of the information gathering and validation of the category of knowledge creation process were used as collateral to access the reports of the Portal Educacional. The search results were consolidated based on the idea of triangulation. This method of analysis provides an opportunity to overcome the limitations of both qualitative and quantitative survey research, combining the various methods, thus giving them the necessary relevance. The survey results, based on the Standard ICT Skills for teachers, demonstrate: 41.20% of the faculty is in the process of technological literacy, the percentage of 58.80% is 28.76% in Literacy approach technology, 18.86% in Deepening Knowledge and 11.18% in the Creation of Knowledge. This project provided a better understanding of the pattern of ICT skills of teachers, as well as verification of how online tools available in Educational Portal favor innovation and knowledge construction.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectCompetências docentespt_BR
dc.subjectTeaching skillsen
dc.titleIntegração das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) na práxis do corpo docentept_BR

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