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dc.contributor.advisorCulleton, Alfredo Santiago
dc.contributor.authorAlves, Bernardo Veiga de Oliveira
dc.description.abstractThe first matter of analysis is the relation between reason and faith, and how can philosophy serve to some religious dispositions. The limits of the religious person?s doings and the minimal conditions for his/her civil role are outlined, that is, the defense of faith as an element of reasonability within ethical relations. First, an investigation is made regarding the openness of philosophy to a common knowledge which reaches an elevated systematization in Aristotle, which allows a dialogue as a communicative discourse under strictly human aspects, considering possible worlds. In this part, the maximum potence of the intellect is established, enabling the interpretation of myth and religion as objects. Next, a study is developed on the matter of the first thinker to establish the link between the Greek and the religious lines of thought: Philo of Alexandria; and the cultural experience of such view: Christian helenism. But for Philo, it would not be possible to theoretically conceive the union between the views of reason and faith; and, within Christian helenism, the experience of the Philonian conception applied at the start of Christianism can be found. Then, an attempt is made to highlight the element of faith under a rational point of view, considering non-contradictory propositions, stressing a particular aspect of Thomas Aquinas view. Here, Thomas is taken up as a thinker of synthesis between reason and faith, which sets up the rational basis for a reasonable adhesion to religion. Lastly, two case studies are presented: the rational appeal of Justin to Emperor Titus; and a comparison between Abraham and Ajax, from Sophocles play. Both are examples of cases in which philosophy can be of help to the relation of the religious person to politics. In the first one, due to Justins platonic discourse, in defense of the Christians. And in the second, in order to a certain skepticism in some religious dispositions to exist. The conclusion is reached by infering that the actions of the religions individual must be justified in the logic of discourse, so that the matter does not extends itself to stances beyond good and evil. Instead, it must take into account the ethical principles without denying its religion; as a complement of assistance and reciprocity.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectThomas Aquinasen
dc.titleFé, razão e o discurso comunicativo: é possível a filosofia auxiliar o agir religioso?pt_BR

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