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dc.contributor.advisorKrieger, Maria da Graça
dc.contributor.authorMüller, Alexandra Feldekircher
dc.description.abstractBecause of the intensive propagation of the communication and terminologies and the terminological renew since the last decades is developed this doctoral thesis whose interest is advance in the entrepreneur terminological studies, an unprotected area, aiming its recognition and description. In this perspective, the thesis focus, in a theoretical perspective, is recognize the terminological habits of the lexical units which are used in the enterprises, and besides, recognize the constitutive nature of the terms inserted in the entrepreneur category; additionally, in a practical perspective, the objective is suggest the methodological guidelines to the Entrepreneurial Terminology Management (ETM). To make it possible, the theoretical trajectory was based in the Terminology linguistic-communicational theory, which takes the term as a unit inside the general language that acquires a specialized value in accordance with the communicative context in which it is inserted; and, in addition, takes all the systemic and pragmatic implications, strongly sighting to the aspects related to the variation, synonymy, ambiguity, and others. The applied perspective of Terminology, the Terminography, was also used as a base to elaborate the methodology to the recognition of the terminological statute of the entrepreneurial terms and to the creation of the ETM. Based on the investigative propose, it was described the profile of the professional who is able to deal with the entrepreneur terminology, because, in this thesis, it was postulated that to work with the entrepreneurial terms and with the ETM of the company must exists the figure, as denominated in this thesis, of the Terminological Manager – someone who is able to develop lots of different terminographic activities inside the company, always keeping in mind the real communicative demands in the organization, being a professional with the ability to make the terminology inside the company harmonious, and besides, a professional who is able to develop different tasks. Methodologically, to the recognition of the statute and functioning of the terms inside the entrepreneurs and to the principles of ETM, it was done the case study with the Y M&E Brasil Company, identifying that the terminology of the company was hybrid and composed by two main terminological parts: the part of the Administrative Operation Terminology and the part of Product and Process Operation Terminology. This result serve as an important parameter to the data which allowed establishing the entrepreneur terminological category and the specificities of the entrepreneur term segmented in two – Organizational Term and Operational Term. As a condition to the recognition of the entrepreneurial terminological category, four methodological steps were created, which may serve as a base to future researches. Other relevant result was the development of the conditions to the application of the ETM and its main categories.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleTerminologia empresarial: princípios de reconhecimento e de gerenciamentopt_BR

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