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dc.contributor.advisorKorndörfer, Ana Paula
dc.contributor.authorCruz, Lisiane Ribas
dc.description.abstractThe present study inquire on the panorama of children and young people's hospitalizations at São Pedro's Hospital, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, in 1932 and 1937's period, when José Luis Guedes was the institution's director. By medical records, reports and official letters' analysis, I intend to explore and to analyze, quantitatively and qualitatively, these documentals' informations, such as hospitalization's periods and justifications, as well as diagnoses and observations registered by the institution's officials. In the first study's chapter, I will present the institutional formation, such as the construction of the doctors and officials' profile. I will argue about the theoretical and methodological's trends in the psychiatrist of the period, and the physicians' positions towards their patients. In the second chapter, by the data contained in the analyzed documents, I will establish the patients' profile and to inquire on patient's difficulties within the São Pedro's Hospital. At last, in the third chapter, I will explore, by means of the medical records' narrative, the developed of the young patients' strategies. Furthermore, I will inquire some of these patients' history within the institution, based upon sources' qualitative analysis. The São Pedro's Hospital Memorial and Rio Grande do Sul Public Archive's main collections make possible to inquire four thousand and seventyfour (4074) medical records. Of this, three hundred and sixty-four (364) are related to children and young people (aged between 0 and 18 years old) and three thousand seven hundred and ten (3710) records are refered to adult patients (over 19 years old). This study explore childhood and youth's health and social history, and query the works of authors such as Erving Goffman to understand, for example, the strategies and feelings involved in the children and young people's hospitalizations at São Pedro's Hospital. In order to understand the institutional issues e its childhood and youth's connexions, I will inquire authors such as Elizete Oliveira Kummer, Fábio Rosa Faturi, Lilia Lobo, Marcelo Xavier Parker, Tiago Marcelo Trevizani, Yonissa Marmitt Wadi e Zelinda Rosa Scotti.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológicopt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectRio Grande do Sulpt_BR
dc.subjectSão Pedro' Hospitalen
dc.title“Não mais pretendo voltar a casa, pois que o hospício será sempre a minha recompensa”: a internação de crianças e jovens no Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro (1932-1937)pt_BR

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