A gastronomia sulista entre a tradição e a inovação : como as cozinhas locais são ressignificadas na contemporaneidade
The present work approaches the contemporary gastronomy of Rio Grande do Sul, presenting the perspective between tradition and innovation as a field of problematization. To achieve its objective, the first chapter reviews the history of gastronomy, with the purpose of understanding its formation in contemporary times. The following chapters seek through bibliographical and documental research, using among others the Destemperados supplement of the newspaper Zero Hora, to address the gastronomic manifestations in Rio Grande do Sul. Modernist Cuisine, New Nordic Cuisine and themes such as terroir, sustainability, Slow Food and localism are used as analysis guides. The thesis proposes the verification of a Southern Gastronomy which would distance itself from the inspiration of the local cuisine, from the gaucho traditionalism and from the aesthetics commonly used by the contemporary gastronomy of the State. Southern Gastronomy would seek a strong localism, using the local environment, seasonality, a modernist aesthetic and a memory not based on traditionalism and the usual representations of the gaucho as inspiration. More specifically, the aim is to understand how cuisine, tradition and regional significance have been re-signified by restaurants and gastronomy agents, such as chefs and cheffes.Nenhuma