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dc.contributor.advisorAlmeida, Caroline Medeiros Martins de
dc.contributor.authorGrein, Liliane de Fátima
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to analyze the relationship between Design and Education in the process of knowledge construction and the learning management of students in the 9th year of Elementary School. Therefore, the research was carried out with 30 students from the 9th grade of Elementary School at Medianeira school, a teaching institution of the Jesuit Basic Education Network, located in Curitiba, capital of Paraná. The used methodology was the qualitative approach and, as a methodological procedure, action research was chosen, based on the theoretical thinking of Thiollent (2011). Data were collected through a questionnaire and a diary. Subsequently, they were treated via content analysis (Bardin, 2021) and descriptive analysis (Angrosino, 2007), respectively. The theoretical foundation follows the direction of changes in contemporary society and the information, knowledge, and learning society. It also addresses school management and innovation; the catalytic process and Design; Design and education; interdisciplinarity and Design; Design as a discipline and visual literacy; digital literacy; learning through Design projects; BNCC and Skills for the 21st Century; UNESCO's vision of learning for the 21st century and Jesuit colleges committed to human and academic excellence. The results indicate that when the field of Design and education assembles, leading the student as the protagonist of their learning, we understand Design as a catalyst in learning and a driver of change in their social environment. Thus, the research presents as an intervention project, a lesson plan designed so that it can be adapted by other institutions that focus on a pedagogical proposal that contributes to the full development of the subject, capable of acting in a society in constant transformation. With the completion of the Design's discipline, the school community became aware of the intervention proposal developed by the students, based on a global project, which aims to raise awareness about the right of the child to education. This dissertation reinforces the potential of Design in basic education with a focus on the development of relevant skills in the conscious formation, of competent, compassionate subjects, committed to supporting social change.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectDigital literacyen
dc.titleO design como catalisador na gestão das aprendizagens no ensino fundamentalpt_BR

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