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dc.contributor.advisorRosa, Ana Paula da
dc.contributor.authorLemos, Raquel Souza de
dc.description.abstractThis work proposes a discussion about the role of music, a communicative phenomenon, as an interaction device in relationships, through sonority in the following areas: sensorial, affective, therapeutic and interactive. Beginning from the problem question: How does music act as a device for interaction and relationship? the research aims to articulate different universes crossed by music as a strategy to facilitate social interactions, whether in the personal or consumption sphere. Thus, the objective is to understand how music is configured as a communication strategy. This objective is divided into three specific objectives: a) to investigate how music can encourage interpersonal relationships and promote bonds. b) to understand the role of music and its stimuli in brand-public relations. c) to identify how music promotes connections and identification with the brand. To achieve these objectives, we developed a methodology composed of two distinct approaches: multiple case studies and ethnographic inspiration, in order to observe both how music interferes in the journey of consumption and brand identity, and how it can be a therapeutic mechanism, or even an interactional device. As a theoretical contribution, we mobilized the concepts about the transformation of interpersonal relationships and the mediatization of life (TURKLE, 2010), communication, music and bonds (MÖSSLER et al., 2011), music as an interactional device (BRAGA, 2011) and the relationship between public and brand (KOTLER, 2010). As main results, we identified that there is unanimity in the perception of the value of music as an element that stimulates interactions, however, it is not always given due importance. Music is still little applied in the communicational scope, despite constituting a potential resource in communication strategies, and a mechanism that permeates human experiences in different spheres, which leads us to contemplate a promising field to be used and explored, such as device in the production of new possibilities and meanings.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleA música como dispositivo de interação e relacionamentopt_BR

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