Low back pain is one of the most serious public health problems faced by the industrialized world, affecting a large part of the population and creating several problems for health and pension systems. Low back pain is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon, to which postural patterns of the spine and physical activity level may be associated. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the association between postural pattern, physical activity level and pain in the lumbar spine in adults who perform seated work activities. Thirty-nine adults who exercise seated work activities were assessed for physical activity level, postural pattern of the lumbar spine and low back pain. The physical activity level was measured by the Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAC) - short version; the postural pattern was assessed by the flexicurve method; and low back pain was measured by the Informação Sobre Dor nas Costas (IDC) questionnaire. For statistical treatment, the SPSS 21.0 software was used. Initially, a descriptive statistic was performed showing values of mean and standard deviation. Afterwards, inferential statistics were performed to assess the association between variables by performing the chi-square test of independence (X2). The level of significance adopted was 5%. The results demonstrate that there was no association between any of the studied variables. A high prevalence of low back pain (74.4%) and postural deviations (76.9%) was identified, with lumbar rectification being the most observed deviation (53.8%). Less than half of the individuals were considered active (48.7%).