Emotions are presented innately and universally in individuals. Experiencing
them is at the heart of the human being. Playing a decisive role with regard to a
healthy emotional and psychic development, especially in preschool age, when the
individual is forming his identity, personality and individuality. For this to occur, it is
necessary to understand and communicate the emotions themselves, entitled
emotional intelligence. The present work aimed to investigate the universe of
emotions, especially with regard to its diagnosis in childhood, in order to explore the
possibilities of strategic design in this theme. Given the complexity of the scenario
envisaged, we chose to use the Metaprojetual approach, given the conditions that
such methodology offers to gather, identify and analyze the information obtained, and
thus to make up a broad knowledge of the project problem. Based on the research
esplanade, it is suggested that the best way to present the chosen research object is
to insert it in the child's reality, in an analog and interactive way. For this, we used the
tools of active learning and positive design to enable the execution of child
autonomy, combined with motor and cognitive exploration when developing the
emotional intelligence of the little ones.