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dc.contributor.advisorFollmann, José Ivo
dc.contributor.authorPinto, Joseane Mariéle Schuck
dc.description.abstractThe research aims to investigate the production of public policies of international cooperation adopted between Brazil and Argentina, driven by the Agreements and Conventions assumed by them. From this, we intend to know and understand their constitution in relation to the confrontation and prevention of transnational smuggling of migrants between 2010 and 2018. Thus, this study starts from the following question: what is the political-legal apparatus of cooperation between Brazil and Argentina for the confrontation and prevention of transnational smuggling of migrants at their borders? And how is such apparatus, as public policy, being operated at the borders between the two countries? Similarly, it seeks to determine how cooperation is being implemented in terms of actions, awareness campaigns, efforts, mechanisms, and joint public policies aimed at preventing the practice of migrant smuggling/trafficking, with special attention to protecting the human rights of the migrant community - the subjects of rights. Besides the highlighted points, the operation of repression/combat measures and securitization of border control policies are examined. Thus, after the analytical construction of the research topic, it was found that the political actions taken to address the complex scenario of migrant smuggling have been viewed from two angles: the first, aimed at tackling the crime itself and its repression, which is perfected by the securitization agenda adopted by Brazil; and the second, aimed at actions to protect and protect the human rights of migrants, with a social policy bias, which would help minimize the invisibility of this reality. It remains evident that in the period from 2010 to 2018, with reflection in the present day, the category of migrant smuggling and its occurrence did not consist in a concern for the Brazilian state, in the sense of debating and elaborating state political actions for its prevention, with a view to the protection of migrants. What can be observed is the intention to include it in the debate of the IV National Plan, which will be implemented in 2023. In the Argentinean context, the smuggling/trafficking of migrants has been taken into consideration, that is, it´s understood as a State policy aimed at prevention, and it is notorious for its focus on human rights and their protection. Regarding the procedure adopted in this research, it is characterized in a qualitative approach, with documentary and bibliographic analysis, on a national and international level, as well as the consultation of domestic legislation in Brazil and Argentina, regarding existing public policies on the subject of study. A survey was carried out of the conventions, protocols, and other international instruments that served to help understand the reality studied. The second part of the data collection (primary) includes semi-structured interviews with key players directly involved with the studied theme. The construction of the methodological field, from the operational analytical categories, counted on the theoretical referential of Stephen Castles (migration governance, security, securitization); Alexander Betts (undocumented); Lindomar Boneti (public policies); Zygmunt Bauman (globalization, human discard, exclusion); Seyla Benhabib and Donatella Di Cesare (citizenship, exclusion and invisibility processes); Giorgio Agamben (state of exception, bare life, biopolitics); Ratna Kapur (transnational migration), Delmos Jones (transmigrants).en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectMigrant smugglingen
dc.subjectTráfico de migranteses
dc.titleA invisibilidade da prática do contrabando transnacional de migrantes: intercorrências nas políticas do Brasil e da Argentina no período de 2010-2018pt_BR

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