This study aimed to verify how endomarketing concepts and actions contribute to the strategic objectives of the GWTK company, taking into account the planning and actions that are used and may be used to leverage its results. The proposed discussion is justified by the fact that in the current scenario imposed by the consumer market, companies seek investment opportunities in people management with the purpose of unifying efforts and optimizing their processes. Thus, some of the main concepts addressed as guidelines for academic and scientific discussions on the subject are presented, generating the necessary condition for the realization of a critical and propositional approach to the context in which the company in question is located. Therefore, the study consisted of applied research of exploratory-descriptive character, aiming to establish a consistent basis for the analysis and argumentation of the data collected. It was concluded that the approach to the topic is extremely relevant, as commitment and productivity are directly associated with achieving the goals stipulated in the organization. As well, it was possible to identify issues that show, for example, the importance of people's engagement and a positive organizational environment for the construction of value for groups that are established in a business environment. Therefore, it is evident that, more than an internal communication initiative, such as the simple distribution of brochures, corporate newspapers, creation of intranets or e-mail campaigns, internal marketing has great strategic value for a company's business, presenting a character of broad and deep discussion.