Estudia el tema de la supranacionalidad e intergubernamentalidad en el ámbito de los procesos de integración europeo, centroamericano y andino, abordando aspectos doctrinarios, especialmente vinculados a la coexistencia de estos preceptos o si al contrario deben de considerarse antagónicos.--
Addressing the issue of supranationalism and intergovernmentalism, in the field of integration, European, Central American and Andean, is very important to understand where they go for the Member States of these systems, doctrinal issues are addressed, especially linked to the coexistence of these rules or if the contrary should be considered antagonistic. This entailed addressing institutions integration of these systems, both in structure, powers and the form in which they make theirdecisions, in order to identify its supranational or intergovernmental.