Humanitarian migration is a State duty that emerges from international treaties and Brazilian
constitutional norms. It is an international obligation that was affirmed in the Federal
Constitution of 1988, insofar as it has an integrative function of uniting pluralities, guided by
the principle of solidarity. Within this perspective, the Brazilian State assumed the commitment
to reduce inequalities, eradicating poverty and marginalization, and to promote the good of all,
without prejudice of origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination (Article
3º, I, III and IV). Due to the humanitarian crisis that occurred in Venezuela and the entry of
migrants into the national territory, it was edited Law 13.684, of 06-21-2018, to meet the great
emergency demand resulting from this migratory flow. The Law provides public policies for
migrants host, highlighting the condition of vulnerability of these human contingents. However,
host policies concerning social protection, provision of educational activities, training and
professional qualification, guarantee of rights and mobility (distribution in the national territory
and support for internalization), established in Law 13.684, of 06-21-2018 (Article 4, I, III, IV,
V and X), show a gap regarding the generation of employment and income. In this sense, we
launch the following question: the right to social inclusion, in work sector, guaranteed to
refugees, is being effectively implemented within the scope of the city of Recife, State of