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dc.creatorSilva, Enedina Soares da
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, Enedina Soares da. O funcionamento discursivo da diversidade de gênero em livros didáticos de língua portuguesa no ensino fundamental. 2021. 193 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem. Mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem, 2021.por
dc.description.abstractThis study analyzed the Portuguese language textbook adopted in the municipal education networks of the municipalities of Caucaia and Fortaleza in the State of Ceará, from the Tecendo Linguagens Collection, from the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th year of elementary school, by the authors Tânia Amaral Oliveira and Lucy Aparecida Melo Araújo, from the IBEP publishing house. Textbook. We adopted qualitative research, whose method chosen to meet the purposes of this study was the French Discourse Analysis (AD). In the methodological resources, we opted for a bibliographical and documental research, with the general objective of Analyzing the Discursive Functioning of Gender Diversity in Textbooks of Portuguese Language in Elementary School. With specific objectives: To awaken a critical pedagogical perception, with a view to the discursive formations around the women present in the LDLP; To compare the ideologies present in the social representations attributed to women and men in LDLP; To evaluate the female subject position in LDLP and its discursive effects; Meaning the meanings of silence attributed to women. We found that women are present in textbooks, however, when they are visualized, most of the time, in a stereotyped way, reinforcing a male superiority. As for the authorship of texts and reading indications in the Reading Practices and Expanding Horizons sections, there is a significant absence of female authors, a reflection of the historical gender inequality imposed on women. We also found a silencing of social issues that affect women's lives. We conclude that the textbook alone does not meet the conditions to awaken criticality and cultivate cultural values that seek gender equality. The role of the school and of educators are essential, requiring a pedagogical proposal capable of working on the construction of a critical, libertarian and emancipatory education, based on gender egalitarian values, silenced from the textbook collection.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectAnálise do discursopor
dc.subjectLivros didáticospor
dc.subjectIdentidade socialpor
dc.subjectEnsino fundamentalpor
dc.subjectSpeech analysiseng
dc.subjectDidatic bookseng
dc.subjectSocial identityeng
dc.subjectElementary Schooleng
dc.titleO funcionamento discursivo da diversidade de gênero em livros didáticos de língua portuguesa no ensino fundamental.por

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