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dc.creatorLima, Edgley Duarte de
dc.identifier.citationLIMA, Edgley Duarte de. Um mais-de-dizer sobre os homens e o masculino: do binarismo fálico ao outro gozo. 2021. 197 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pró-reitora de Pesquisa, Pós-graduação e Inovação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Pesquisa Psicologia. Curso de Doutorado em Psicologia Clínica, 2021.por
dc.description.abstractIt is undeniable that the traditional male representation is currently showing deep cracks marked by a crisis. Therefore, we do not need much effort to understand that the virile male, a representation idealized and at the same time so highly valued, is also experiencing a particular rejection. Given this framework, the male issue is inscribed based on the new cartography of social places and sexuation. In our attempt to conduct a psychoanalytic study of the relations between men and the masculine in contemporary times, we outline some critical questions that guided this work: Could we speak of a “virile mask”, to paraphrase the notion of the masquerade made famous by Joan Rivière (1929/1999)? What does the male place construction reveal as a point of inconsistency in this representation, which is increasingly inaccurate and insufficient to signify the experience of men? The hypothesis we put forward in this thesis is that “being a man” has increasingly fallen into the realm of indeterminacy, which sometimes returns to these subjects, producing anguish, malaise, and symptoms associated with this condition. Thus, using the psychoanalytic theory with Freudian-Lacanian orientation, this thesis has attempted to identify and analyze the inventions of some solutions constructed by men in their relations with the masculine and its multiple designations. Moreover, the discussion of phallic binarism is at the heart of the analysis, based on the phallic jouissance and its demise, highlighting the possibility of new forms of the masculine experience inscription through its opening to the other jouissance and its realignment in contemporaneity. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis of five interviews carried out by Gama (2015) in her master's thesis. In doing so, we have tried to re-read the data and the analysis already undertaken, and to make visible new aspects that have not been previously observed or little explored. In addition, fragments of previous statements of male analysts from the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) were analyzed to collect some effects and their resonances in the relationship of each of them with the phallus. In the analysis of the interviews, we were able to observe that some results for the male issue, such as the push to violence, the sexual potency centrality and the virility valorization are today at least questioned as the only form of recognition and authentication in the process of subjectification of men. Concerning the testimonies, these point to our formulation that, as for the woman, “the man does not exist either”, from a universal formula, as the analysts testify after the end of their analysis. The opening to the not-all and the recognition of its incommensurability, the crossing of fantasy and the invention of a savoir-faire with the symptom are some of the consequences drawn from these experiences, pointing to the scene of the Other and the bet on the masculine unveiling.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESpor
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectHomem - Psicologiapor
dc.subjectMan - Psychologyeng
dc.titleUm mais-de-dizer sobre os homens e o masculino: do binarismo fálico ao outro gozo.por

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