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Estudo analítico de desvios de grafia em produções textuais escritas de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental II de uma escola pública no município de Aratuba – Ceará.
This work presents an analytical study on spelling deviations in the textual productions of 9th grade students in a public school in the city of Aratuba – Ceará. We aim to analyze spelling deviations in texts from 9th grade students, observing the context of their occurrences. Thus, this dissertation seeks to analyze the factors that influence spelling deviations found in textual productions, considering that these deviations reveal the beginning of learning this communication tool, representing the first hypotheses raised by students to master it. To explain the possible deviations found in the texts, we resorted to studies on phonetic and phonological aspects, in the conceptions of Bagno (1999), Marcuschi (2010), Hora (2009), Bortoni-Ricardo (2010), Kato (2003), among others, from which the scientific production on learning to read and write has been developing. The methodological aspects adopted are an action research with a qualitative approach, with an analytical character. The results of this analysis showed that the spelling deviations present in the students' texts are motivated not only by lack of knowledge of the Portuguese language spelling, but also due to phonetic and phonological factors. We chose to work with this theme due to the recurrence of some lapses in writing, since students tend to write from the sound of the letter, including aspects of informal language. After analyzing the texts, we classified some of the most common orthographic “deviations” in the researched group, among which the deletion of the consonants /r/, /l/ postvocalic, and the suppression of the semivowel in diphthongs such as /ow/ are more evident., the addition of letters and the epenthesis of /i/. Making it evident that writing for this group is seen as a transcription of orality and not as a system of representation itself. The scientific and social relevance of this research is shown through the perspective of raising reflections on the types of deviations found and, in this way, contributing to the formation of the individual.