The Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Child and Adolescent Statute implemented
in Brazil the Doctrine of Integral Protection, which puts children and adolescents in
conflict with the law, as subjects of rights and recognized as people in a peculiar
developing condition, being, in the case of the adolescent, among others, subject to
the socio-educational measure of hospitalization, in a specific unit for this purpose,
thus obtaining education, professionalization and the entire universe, as far as possible
for re-socialization, striving for not returning to the culture of crime. This premise,
according to Law nº: 12.594 of January 18, 2012, which will be the object of the study,
as we will see in due course. In this perspective, it is necessary to make public policies,
which will allow these adolescents to be attended to their needs and desires. This
dissertation brings to the fore whether the listed device is actually being carried out
and if the activities developed in the inpatient measures provide this adolescent with a
chance to occupy a space in society, including in the entities that carry out socioeducational measures, the repercussion of this trajectory, also comprising all the other
actors who relate during this journey. To verify this doctrinal effectiveness, this
research aims to verify compliance with the doctrine of comprehensive protection in
relation to adolescents in conflict with the law and its consequences. The medium
objective is to verify how the comprehensive protection doctrine is being implemented
and how the institutions observe and interact in this process, focusing mainly on the
absorption capacity of more individuals in their units regarding the number of interns.
In this sense, this research aims to assess the extent to which the Pernambuco socioeducational system contributes to the integration and development of adolescents in
conflict with the law. In Pernambuco, the Fundação de Atendimento Socioeducativo
(FUNASE) is responsible for serving adolescents in conflict with the law, in the case of
restrictive socio-educational measures of freedom.