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dc.creatorSousa, Jansen Antunes Correa de
dc.identifier.citationSOUSA, Jansen Antunes Correa de. Desenvolvimento de um compósito com propriedade corta-fogo à base de gesso e cinzas de carvão mineral. 2020. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pró-reitoria Acadêmica. Curso de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Processos Ambientais, 2020.por
dc.description.abstractAmong the main materials of civil construction or prominence, mainly for the manufacture of precast. In the United States and Europe there are more than five hundred applications for accessories, while in Brazil these different applications are around thirty-five. It became evident, therefore, the need to develop more applications for those who continue to exhibit as one of the development resources of the Northeast Region of Brazil; called by some aficionados of the plaster chain “Ouro Branco”. These new applications of gypsum involved or reuse of industrial waste, as a way of rational use of coal ash reserves, coal ash for compost production can make the plastering activity more sustainable. As ashes are solid residues from coal-based mineral fuel, being one of the main environmental liabilities in Thermoelectric Plants (UTE's) that use mineral coal as the energy matrix. A coal mineral is a well-known and abundant by-product, but without an efficient application yet defined. However, it can be applied to industrial processes that allow the development of building materials, provided that this application allows the use of its safe form, making it extremely important to reuse it, up to the point of designated sustainable use. In this research, the gray coal mineral was mixed to cause a compound with fireproof properties. The proposed compound comprises a material for making partition blocks with fire protection properties, security for safety in certain living areas or houses equipment that involves or handling material materials (high voltage transformers and circuit breakers room in the sub-limits of high voltage performance). Test specimens of this compound were made and used conditions conducive to the propagation of flames. However, to guarantee a quantity of water present in the sample, a technique was applied to the massive and commercial scale partition blocks. As temperatures on the surface of the blocks, contact a LPG flame (605 4 ° C) and in different positions inside them, were monitored. A polynomial regression model indicates a percentage reduction in temperature of around 23%, for 120 minutes, for a block surface made with a content of coal ash of 40%. This reduction on the face opposite the surface in contact with a flame, confirming the detection of fire break blocks, signals the possibility of safety and more sustainable changes.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectGesso em pré-moldadopor
dc.subjectCinza de carvãopor
dc.subjectPre-cast plastereng
dc.subjectCharcoal grayeng
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de um compósito com propriedade corta-fogo à base de gesso e cinzas de carvão mineral.por

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