This research aims to analyze the movement of clashes between discursive
formations in the transsexual subjects' telling about their gender identity. As specific
objectives, we seek to investigate the discursive and ideological formations of the
subjects analyzed in the research; To analyze the effects of meaning that echo in the
saying about the social name of transsexual subjects, as well as about the clothing. It
also seeks to investigate the production of meaning effects in the process of
transition to transsexuality, via surgical procedures and also the production of
meaning effects in the constitution of transsexual identity from the clashes between
discursive formations in discursive materialities present in the reports of life stories.
For such purposes, the research has as theoretical and methodological support the
French Discourse Analysis founded by Michel Pêcheux from the concepts of
discursive formation, subject-position, interdiscourse and discursive memory, besides
the notion of subject of the unconscious developed by Jacques Lacan that has
implications on the subject subjectivation process. As we deal with gender identity
and sexuality, we also use theorists such as Berenice Bento, Judith Butler, Michel
Foucault, and others who will segment the reports analysis. The research was
developed from semi-structured interviews with four transsexual subjects, two male
and two female, for further analysis. Once the subjects are chosen, the discursive
materiality collected in recordings were analyzed in order to search for the effects of
meanings that are constructed from interdiscursivity and discursive heterogeneity.
From the analysis, we observed that the construction of gender identity of
transsexual subjects occurs in the midst of their subjectivation through the action of
ideology and the unconscious in a process of alterity. In it, there is a flow of clashes
between discursive formations that mark their subject-position, in the midst of the
production of meaning effects not desired by the binary dominant ideology. Thus,
body, social name and discourse objects produce meaning effects in a discourse of
resistance to prejudiced hegemonic discourses, denouncing attempts to silence the
existence of identities that crack patterns of a cultural intelligibility of genres. In
addition, our analyzes also present, as a conclusion effect, the understanding that
the constitution of gender identity and sexual orientation of these subjects are formed
from a continuous flow in the movement of clashes between discursive formations, in
certain ideological formations, that they do not cease to produce effects of meaning
amid the corresponding discursive materialities.