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dc.creatorSilva, Itala Daniela da
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, Itala Daniela da. O velar como des-vela-dor da vida : a possibilidade da natalidade (re)velada no plantão psicológico. 2016. 94 f Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pró-reitoria Acadêmica. Coordenação Geral de Pós-graduação. Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica, 2016.por
dc.description.abstractBeing thrown into a world where our daily lives is accelerated and life is rushed makes us, sometimes, lose sensibility to life. Some dimensions of our existence becomes not thematized being almost silenced day after day. In between those questions that we keep not thematizing, we found death. However in a moment of our life it opens and makes us stop. Therefore, this present research borns from this fight/stop of the researcher in front of life and death when it looks into this dimension of existing, asks if veiling someone can summon us up to life. That is why this research, presented in the narrative form, directs our look into the act of veil, trying to understand the conssonances that the death of the other can cause into the life of those who stays. The main question was: The act of veil can summon us up to life? The method used was the cartographic method, inspired in the methodological reversion where the path points towards to the possible goals and not when the goals points towards to the path. Besides all, this research had an interventive character starting from an offering of services and using the psychological attendance and the logbook as instruments that made the picking of narratives possible. The analysis of those narratives were inspired in the notes of Walter Benjamin about Narratives and the notes of Hannah Arendt about Understanding The Psychological attention service was offered in a Graveyard located in the State of Pernambuco In the analisys we can realise that in the funeral context, there are three possible audiences we found. The first ones are those that can not talk about what they are living, because they are in deep pain and suffering. The second ones were the viewers that they were not so attentive to the funeral and the third ones were those who veil, witness and can talk about what happens in this context. At last we can realise that the audiences, in front of death, in different ways were called to think about the routings and thing they will have to do in life. Starting from this understandings, we end this work, presenting a reflective texture with the notes of Hannah Arendt about birth which in different ways it presents an eminent possibility in the life of those who stays e veils.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica de Pernambucopor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectPsicologia clínica Morte - Aspectos psicológicospor
dc.subjectPerda (Psicologia)por
dc.subjectClinical Psychology Death - Psychological Aspectseng
dc.subjectLoss (Psychology)eng
dc.titleO velar como des-vela-dor da vida: a possibilidade da natalidade (re)velada no plantão psicológico.por

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