From a hermeneutic of Phil 2:5-11, we try to understand the dimension of
Jesus, similar to men, expressed in the Christological hymn present in this
pericope. Through the bibliographical research, the present work traces, in
general lines, the historical and literary analysis of Phil 2: 5-11. The first work
carried out consists in contextualizing the historical, cultural and religious
aspects of the city of Philippi, presenting the Letter to the Philippians and the
Christological hymn, in which the Christ, stripped of all titles and honors, freely
chooses to become "like to men" (Phil 2:7). The hymn combines the biblical
models of the first Adam and the Suffering Servant, also present in other
Pauline letters. In the interpretation of the hymn, Pauline anthropology emerges,
which presents Christ as the New Adam.